Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Time to Continue the Journey ...

At the very beginning of our review of the behaviour management policy within the school we collected valuable information that gave us the direction in which we should be heading. It may be time to return to that survey - conduct another and form the next part of our journey.

There are some things that we need to address as a school these include:
- explicit teaching and learning of bullying with children;
- creating an informed parent body around bullying;
- closely looking at our Personal Development units/programs and ensuring that they align with the local school situation; and
- the continuing application of values education across the school.


Gary Borg said...

Toni a great video..very inspiring. I agree we need to gather baseline data from the key stakeholders and see how the journey is going.. what is working? whats not? what need to be modified. I think you are on the right track! Thanks for driving this agenda for the kids!

mir said...

It would be good to go back and consider what was said and answer the same questions eighteen months later. If we keep going back to evaluate the direction we have taken and the data collected then our goals will remain current. Lets take a look and keep working.